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Our Lodge, situated in the heart of the old-day Kent Hop-picking area has been meeting continuously since November 1921, and is proud of maintaining the original enthusiasm and qualities of our long-ago Brothers.
Station next door
Master and Banner
Speeding ticket 1896
Sociability Masons Friends
Enter a stranger
Ceremony of Empty Chairs
Hop pickers
John Brunt VC
Little Hoppers Hospital
For more information on these photographs Goto our Blog 
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Our traditions and ideals remain unchanged, however moving into our second centenary we are doing a considerable amount of work to attract new members to ensure we maintain our vibrance as a Lodge.
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We meet seven times a year, enjoying our traditional ceremonies;  afterwards extending our socialising to enjoy a meal at our Festive Board.   
New members wishing to be initiated into the Mysteries of Ancient Freemasonry in our Lodge will always be welcome, as will those who are already Freemasons and perhaps looking for a comfortable place to extend, or perhaps even to move, their Freemasonry to.                  
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Copyright to these pages is retained by The Paddock Wood Lodge.
Paddock Wood Lodge  Lodge does not guarantee that the sites to which links may send you will be constructed and contain information within the rules and regulations of The Untied Grand Loge of England.
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