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Symbolism of the 100 years old Lodge banner
The banner was presented at the Installation Ceremony in June 1923, by Bro John Hunt, on behalf of his wife in gratitude that her only son, Bro John Leslie Percival Hunt, the first initiate, had been safely returned after serving throughout the 1914-18 World War. It was restored 40 years later by W.Bro John Hunt, the son of the donor.   There is only a slight puckering at the bottom where the silk has stretched slightly.  There is no written explanation that has been handed down by our forebears, but we feel that the below text is a reasonable explanation.
The background of blue represents the traditional colour of Freemasonry.  The all-seeing eye observes us in all our undertakings.  Below. the ribbon names our Lodge, and towers above the Sun which rules the day and the Moon, that governs the night.  (There has been some discussion relating to the symbolism of the six stars within the moon's crescent, which has not, to date, been satisfactorily resolved).
old banner6.jpg
Between the Sun and Moon are hop leaves with a hanging hop flower, depicting our close association with the local hop industry, a fact of which we are particularly proud.
The block above the laurel leaves, depicting success and achievement, are the Square and Compasses within which is a rampant white Invicta horse of Kent.  The ribbons above record our consecration date.
Below this block is a ribbon recording our Lodge number given to us by the United Grand Lodge, under which we run our Lodge.
The Volume of the Sacred Law, (reflecting the member’s religion), is open and upon which are placed an image of the square and compasses.
There is no consensus concerning the fringes and tassels, and as such, they are probably for decoration only,  rather than symbolic
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